lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009
Here comes the sun .
miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009
Señorito, I can't forget your eyes. Your hair, your Spanish ass. I don't care what you tell the other girls; Hear me out, I'll do what you say.
Just Say what you want, say what you mean. boy all I need is for you to be the one that I believe, Can I believe you? Say what you want, say what you mean.
Boy all I need is for you to be the one. Don't lie, lie, lie.
Diamond boy, I wanna wrap you around the world, I'll never let you touch the ground.
Inquitito, mira que yo quiero decirte Io que no sabes; y vos solamente contame la verdad, vas a ver que yo la guardo.
Just Say what you want, say what you mean, boy all I need is for you to be the one that I believe. Can I believe you? Say what you want, say what you mean, boy all I need is for you to be the one. Don't lie, lie, lie.
I'll never let you touch the ground.
martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009
No sos más tierno por que no te da el tiempo del día, ni el acento inglés Pattinson. ♥